منتجات سكنية

منتجات متنوعة تناسب مختلف احتياجاتك وتلبي رغبتك في الحصول عن مسكن تنعم به يتماشى مع كافة طموحاتك
MOH Product

Ready-Made Units Product

A product to sell housing units provided by real estate developers or individual owners. These are within the region’s upcoming areas and up to the specifications required for construction quality and sustainability. Presented with financing solutions.
MOH Product

Projects Under Construction Product

This product presents you with the opportunity to purchase "under construction" housing units. Those are built according to your desires and specifications to give you the lifestyle you aspire to lead. And the quality that helps you reach your dreams. Presented with various funding solutions.
MOH Product

Self-Construction Product

With unique services that speed up your self-construction process, this product allows you to take an exceptional journey of land and mortgages supported by profits and engineering designs to contractors and oversee the implementation
منتجات الوزارة

The MOH lands

Housing plans in all areas of the Kingdom, applications available to all beneficiaries of the residential support program

برنامج القسط المُيسر

هو أحد منتجات "سكني" مدعومة السعر والفائدة والتي تتيح البيع على الخارطة للمشاريع التابعة لوزارة